Things that make you go Hmmmm....

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Each spring and summer we spend what I consider to be an obnoxious amount of time tending to the weeds in the yard. Preparing for the annual combat involves determining which methods of weed elimination we'll have to preform and laying bets as to which of us will be victorious..and to be fair, the weeds usually always win. I get irked when weed control takes us away from spending time with family and friends and doing things we'd much rather be spending time on.  No one really wants to join you on your weeding experience either because most people are in the same boat, out in their yards with an artillery of gadgets and sprays trying to contain the little devils.

Lately I had to hear a story about a woman living in Africa. It could have been anywhere but I'm pretty sure they said Africa to attract a sympathetic ear in the way our parents used to talk about walking to school in winter, barefoot, uphill, both ways, minus 700 degrees.  You know the one.  Well as the story goes, she had a patch of dandelions growing near her house that she tended to everyday just praying that she could keep them beautiful bright yellow as long as possible. Dam! I'm such a sucker for that "flowers have a soul" story my daughter used to tell me when she was a toddler and she would well up with tears whenever one died. WAHHHHH!!! I'm killing the dandelions.

So this week I went out and took pictures and had some fun playing with perspective of this 'flower' with my v. cool point and shoot camera.... because tomorrow it's back to us vs. them and this year Steve is more determined than ever. Hello Vegas?


Unknown said...

Cool shots. They make me want to find a dandelion on my lawn.

Sandra Finner said...

Do you really NOT have dandelions??

Harry Nowell said...

I love the dandelion shots!
Come visit us if you want to see more dandelions.
We have lots.

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