Here's to trying.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Some people I know are pretty much Photoshop geniuses. I however am a Photoshop un-genius. Not that I wouldn't want to be that person that throws a photo in PS and has a jaw dropping high definition masterpiece in seconds but I'm just too 'attention deficit' to spend the time. If it didn't come out of my camera that way there's a good chance WYSIWYG.

However, every now and then I'll attempt a session of creativity. Today I made a little design, took a photo of it and then tried to make it all cool and stuff. I never know what I'll end up with because [I repeat!] I clearly don't know what I'm doing BUT because I did spend probably too much time on this I thought I'd post it anyway.

Today's lesson:  If you've been thinking of trying editing software but are hesitant because you have no experience it obviously doesn't matter. It's fun. Who wouldn't want to waste an hour having fun?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think this is so great...we shouldn't ever think of experimenting as a "waste" of were learning!! Hip Hip Hooray for you!!

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